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Key Concepts


Chimera is the easiest way to configure beautiful light & dark modes or multi-theme support in Tailwind!

How Themeing works in Chimera

It all starts with the data-theme attribute on the html element. The snippet below is configured to use the dark theme.

<html data-theme="dark">
  <!-- .... -->

Chimera is unopinionated about how you set the data-theme attribute. You can use javascript to update it (opens in a new tab), or you can use a library such as next-themes (opens in a new tab), which automatically handles reading the user's system preference and updating the data-theme attribute for you.

So how does your site know what colors to use for dark? Here's what the @chimera-ui/tw-plugin is doing under the hood.

theme: {
  extend: {
    colors: {
      base: "var(--base)"; // Tailwind is being extended to include a `base` color, which is set to the CSS variable `--base`. '--base' has to be defined in your CSS.

You then define the colors for those variables in your CSS. Luckily, the theme generator makes that super easy!

So in summary, when you define bg-primary, here's what is happening:

  1. The @chimera-ui/tw-plugin tells Tailwind that primary is a color, and that it should use the CSS variable --primary for that color.
  2. In your CSS, you have defined the values for --primary. Maybe you've defined it to be #000000 for the dark theme, and #ffffff for the light theme. You have also defined attribute selectors such as html[data-theme="dark"] to tell your CSS which colors to use for which theme.
  3. When you change the data-theme attribute, that tells CSS which set of colors to give to Tailwind, which then tells your component what color it should be.

If you want to learn more, check out this awesome video from Tailwind Labs (opens in a new tab), which is where I learned this approach.

How to set up light / dark mode (Next.js)

  1. Use the theme generator to generate a light and dark theme. Add the generated CSS to your globals.css file.
Click to see example CSS
/* globals.css */
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
/* :root will be your default theme */
@layer base {
  :root {
    --base: hsl(0, 0%, 97%);
    --base-focus: hsl(0, 0%, 81%);
    --base-2: hsl(0, 0%, 93%);
    --base-2-focus: hsl(0, 0%, 89%);
    --base-content: hsl(0, 0%, 9%);
    --base-content-2: hsl(0, 0%, 20%);
    --base-content-3: hsl(0, 0%, 42%);
    --overlay: hsl(0, 0%, 90%);
    --overlay-focus: hsl(0, 0%, 72%);
    --overlay-2: hsl(0, 0%, 83%);
    --overlay-2-focus: hsl(0, 0%, 72%);
    --overlay-content: hsl(0, 0%, 9%);
    --overlay-content-2: hsl(0, 0%, 20%);
    --overlay-content-3: hsl(0, 0%, 31%);
    --line: hsl(0, 0%, 88.2%);
    --line-focus: hsl(0, 0%, 73.2%);
    --input: hsl(0, 0%, 100%);
    --input-focus: hsl(0, 0%, 100%);
    --input-content: hsl(0, 0%, 15%);
    --input-content-2: hsl(0, 0%, 37%);
    --primary: hsl(293, 83%, 47%);
    --primary-focus: hsl(126, 100%, 40.5%);
    --primary-subtle: hsl(126, 100%, 73.5%);
    --primary-content: hsl(126, 100%, 0%);
    --primary-subtle-content: hsl(126, 100%, 0%);
    --secondary: hsl(60, 97%, 50%);
    --secondary-focus: hsl(60, 97%, 44.5%);
    --secondary-subtle: hsl(60, 97%, 77.5%);
    --secondary-subtle-content: hsl(60, 97%, 0%);
    --secondary-content: hsl(60, 97%, 0%);
    --info: hsl(212, 50%, 40%);
    --info-focus: hsl(212, 50%, 34.5%);
    --info-subtle: hsl(212, 50%, 67.5%);
    --info-subtle-content: hsl(212, 50%, 0%);
    --info-content: hsl(212, 50%, 100%);
    --danger: hsl(0, 75%, 42%);
    --danger-focus: hsl(0, 75%, 36.5%);
    --danger-subtle: hsl(0, 75%, 69.5%);
    --danger-subtle-content: hsl(0, 75%, 0%);
    --danger-content: hsl(0, 75%, 100%);
    --success: hsl(159, 61%, 41%);
    --success-focus: hsl(159, 61%, 35.5%);
    --success-subtle: hsl(159, 61%, 16%);
    --success-subtle-content: hsl(159, 61%, 100%);
    --success-content: hsl(159, 61%, 0%);
    --warning: hsl(49, 95%, 53%);
    --warning-focus: hsl(49, 95%, 47.5%);
    --warning-subtle: hsl(49, 95%, 28%);
    --warning-subtle-content: hsl(49, 95%, 100%);
    --warning-content: hsl(49, 95%, 0%);
  [data-theme="dark"] {
    --base: hsl(120, 2%, 10%);
    --base-focus: hsl(120, 2%, 27.6%);
    --base-2: hsl(120, 2%, 14.4%);
    --base-2-focus: hsl(120, 2%, 18.8%);
    --base-content: hsl(120, 2%, 100%);
    --base-content-2: hsl(120, 2%, 90%);
    --base-content-3: hsl(120, 2%, 70%);
    --overlay: hsl(120, 2%, 17.7%);
    --overlay-focus: hsl(120, 2%, 37.5%);
    --overlay-2: hsl(120, 2%, 25.4%);
    --overlay-2-focus: hsl(120, 2%, 37.5%);
    --overlay-content: hsl(120, 2%, 100%);
    --overlay-content-2: hsl(120, 2%, 90%);
    --overlay-content-3: hsl(120, 2%, 80%);
    --line: hsl(120, 2%, 1.2%);
    --line-focus: hsl(120, 2%, 17.7%);
    --input: hsl(120, 2%, 13.3%);
    --input-focus: hsl(120, 2%, 13.3%);
    --input-content: hsl(120, 2%, 100%);
    --input-content-2: hsl(120, 2%, 80%);
    --primary: hsl(126, 100%, 46%);
    --primary-focus: hsl(126, 100%, 40.5%);
    --primary-subtle: hsl(126, 100%, 73.5%);
    --primary-content: hsl(126, 100%, 0%);
    --primary-subtle-content: hsl(126, 100%, 0%);
    --secondary: hsl(60, 97%, 50%);
    --secondary-focus: hsl(60, 97%, 44.5%);
    --secondary-subtle: hsl(60, 97%, 77.5%);
    --secondary-subtle-content: hsl(60, 97%, 0%);
    --secondary-content: hsl(60, 97%, 0%);
    --info: hsl(212, 50%, 40%);
    --info-focus: hsl(212, 50%, 34.5%);
    --info-subtle: hsl(212, 50%, 67.5%);
    --info-subtle-content: hsl(212, 50%, 0%);
    --info-content: hsl(212, 50%, 100%);
    --danger: hsl(0, 75%, 42%);
    --danger-focus: hsl(0, 75%, 36.5%);
    --danger-subtle: hsl(0, 75%, 69.5%);
    --danger-subtle-content: hsl(0, 75%, 0%);
    --danger-content: hsl(0, 75%, 100%);
    --success: hsl(159, 61%, 41%);
    --success-focus: hsl(159, 61%, 35.5%);
    --success-subtle: hsl(159, 61%, 16%);
    --success-subtle-content: hsl(159, 61%, 100%);
    --success-content: hsl(159, 61%, 0%);
    --warning: hsl(49, 95%, 53%);
    --warning-focus: hsl(49, 95%, 47.5%);
    --warning-subtle: hsl(49, 95%, 28%);
    --warning-subtle-content: hsl(49, 95%, 100%);
    --warning-content: hsl(49, 95%, 0%);
  1. npm install next-themes (Documentation) (opens in a new tab)
  2. Add the Theme Provider to your _app file as shown below. I recommend using the defaultTheme="system" enableSystem={true} props to enable the system theme detection. At this point, you should be able to toggle between light and dark mode by changing your system settings (mac (opens in a new tab)/windows (opens in a new tab)).
import { type AppType } from "next/dist/shared/lib/utils";
import { ThemeProvider } from "next-themes";
import "../styles/globals.css";
const MyApp: AppType = ({ Component, pageProps }) => {
  return (
    <ThemeProvider defaultTheme="system" enableSystem={true}>
      <Component {...pageProps} />
export default MyApp;
  1. (Optional) Add a theme picker. Apple's human interface guidelines actually recommend against this (opens in a new tab). However, if you want to add a theme picker, you can do so by using the useTheme hook from next-themes. Here's a simple example:
import { useTheme } from "next-themes";
const ThemePicker = () => {
  const { theme, setTheme } = useTheme();
  return (
      onClick={() => setTheme(theme === "dark" ? "light" : "dark")}
      aria-label="Toggle Dark Mode"
      {theme === "dark" ? "🌞" : "🌙"}
export default ThemePicker;